

Top 10 List of Week 04

  1. Computer Memory Management
    This website explains how our computer manage available memory using multiple level like Hardware Memory Management, OS Memory Management, and Application memory management.

  2. Dynamic Memory Allocation in C
    This site explains how can we allocate dynamic memory in the C language. It also contains useful information and paradigm on how to avoid memory leak and it also tell us what the difference between few of C memory allocation method (malloc, calloc, free, and realloc)

  3. C Pointer
    This site explains the concept of C pointer in, in my opinion, easy to understand and follow manner. Besides the concept this site also explain how can we use pointer in our daily programming.

  4. How Computer Address Memory
    This site explains how exactly computer map our RAM and other resources to usable address. It also tell us that sometime the address given when using pointer are not the real address of the data in the memory, Wow, Fascinating.

  5. How Computer Protect Our Memory
    Sometime I wonder, if using language such as C we can manipulate address of a pointer, what stops it from tampering other programs. Well now, through this site, I know that computer does not let program access any address they please, that there are protection in place to prevent that kind of attack. Oh, and by the way it’s one of the reason a windows OS get BSOD.

  6. SWAP?
    One of the filesystem offered by most linux distro when we manage the partition is Swap. This site will explain what exactly is Swap. What it’s uses are. And how much should we allocate to Swap partition.

  7. Ten Little Endians?
    This site explain the concept of endianness, what is it. What does it mean for us, programmer. Which computer are big-endian and which are little endian (PS most that we use daily are little endian).

  8. Static or Dynamic Linking…
    This site explain the difference between static and dynamic linking methods, what are it’s advantage and disadvantage. If you’ve ever wondered what is dll file uses, read this site it will inform you.

  9. Contiguous and Non-Contiguous Memory
    This site explains how can a computer allocate new memory in a fragmented memory space.

  10. Caches
    If you’re trying to buy a CPU, you may notice on its product page there are description like L1 Cache Size, L2 Cache Size. Well if you’re wondering what it means and what performance impact will it give to your system well then read this page.