

Top 10 List of Week 02

  1. Linux File Permissions Basic
    This website explains the basic principle of linux permissions system

  2. Chmod Calculator
    This site is a calculator to help create chmod octal value for changing file permissions

  3. Understanding Digital Signature
    This site explains the basics of digital signature, how it works and why you should use it.

  4. Encryption Basic
    This site explains the basics of encryption. Including what it is, how it works, and its importance

  5. Understanding sha256
    This site explain sha256 signature, one of the most used hashing function.

  6. OWASP Top 10
    This site lists top 10 web application security risks.

  7. Linux ACL
    This site contains intoduction to linux Access Control Lists. It contain how can we use it, how to set it up, and many more

  8. GNUPG documentation
    This site contains the documentation of GNUPG

  9. C Tutorial
    This site offers free C Language tutprial for everyone.

  10. Linux Privacy Tips
    This site list few tips on how to make your linux secure